Lime / Dolomite / Gypsum Testing
Eurofins APAL can analyse your lime, dolomite and gypsum to determine how it measures up with desired mineral content. Eurofins APAL tests your lime, dolomite or gypsum samples for calcium, magnesium and sulphur content. With gypsum analysis, the percentage purity is then derived from the sulphur analysis. As lime and dolomite also have a sieve analysis, the report includes both Total Neutralising Value(TNV) and Effective Neutralising Value(ENV).

Why test?

  • A full report provided by Eurofins APAL includes comments comparing the sample with the desired mineral content, as well as test parameters for the various industry accepted grades for soil amendments
  • Determine the quality of your sample and the ideal rate of application.

Multiple sieve fractions are available to meet your local guidelines. Example: Victoria 0-300µm, 300-850µm, >850µm. Western Australia 0-125µm, 125-250µm, 250-500µm, 500-1000µm, >1000µm.

Submitting Samples

It's easy to submit your samples for testing. To see how Eurofins APAL can work best for you, select your business type.

Don't forget that you can track the status of your testing at any time on our Eurofins APAL Online Portal.

For Farmers

Eurofins APAL works with farmers to enable full variable rate farming by providing them with invaluable insight into paddock soil, and the technology to ensure consistent testing year after year.

For Agronomists & Stores

Eurofins APAL works with agronomists and stores to give growers the confidence they need to hit yield targets and cut back on fertiliser expenses.

For Researchers

Eurofins APAL works with researchers to provide analysis on soil properties and plant tissues, to improve their specialist knowledge.

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