Soil Biological Testing
Eurofins APAL offers an exclusive science-based microbial activity test for Australia farmers. If you are seeking a broad, single indicator of microbial activity in your soil this low-cost test is ideal. The Creation Innovation and Forestry (CIAAF) Microbial Activity Test measures activity of soil microbes directly from your sample.

Why test?

  • Receive full report including personalised comments and explanation of results
  • Determine where your soil's microbial activity sits in comparison with a guide figure
  • Receive suggested solutions for correcting microbial activity
  • Data displayed in combination of easy-to-read graphs and text

Visit for more information on microbiology testing.

How does the test work?

  • CIAAF measures the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted by microbes over a given time to calculate Microbial Activity
  • Digital chromatograph is used to calculate the amount of microbial activity (measured by microbial respiration)
  • The greater the amount of CO2 evolved over a given period the higher the amount of microbial activity
  • There is a very good correlation between CO2 evolution from soils and other materials, such as compost, and microbial activity

Please contact us in regard to specific projects or more specific targeted testing.

Submitting Samples

It's easy to submit your samples for testing. To see how Eurofins APAL can work best for you, select your business type.

Don't forget that you can track the status of your testing at any time on our Eurofins APAL Online Portal.

For Farmers

Eurofins APAL works with farmers to enable full variable rate farming by providing them with invaluable insight into paddock soil, and the technology to ensure consistent testing year after year.

For Agronomists & Stores

Eurofins APAL works with agronomists and stores to give growers the confidence they need to hit yield targets and cut back on fertiliser expenses.

For Researchers

Eurofins APAL works with researchers to provide analysis on soil properties and plant tissues, to improve their specialist knowledge.

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