SA (08) 8332 0199
WA (08) 9477 2277
Predictive - What's the nutritional status of my soil? What soil chemical properties are limiting my production?
Troubleshooting - Are chemical properties in my soil causing underperformance or affecting yield?
Monitoring - Have there been any changes to the chemical properties of my soil over time?
If you're after more information about selecting sampling sites or conducting soil sampling, our Soil Sampling Instructions will help you get on the right track.
Soil testing results are delivered in a format of your choice. Data files, reports including interpretation on soil critical levels or custom uploads to your chosen platforms.
Multiple reporting formats can be easily generated. An example of our interpreted report is available below.
It's easy to submit your samples for testing. To see how Eurofins APAL can work best for you, select your business type.
Don't forget that you can track the status of your testing at any time on our Eurofins APAL Online Portal.
Eurofins APAL works with farmers to enable full variable rate farming by providing them with invaluable insight into paddock soil, and the technology to ensure consistent testing year after year.
Eurofins APAL works with agronomists and stores to give growers the confidence they need to hit yield targets and cut back on fertiliser expenses.
Eurofins APAL works with researchers to provide analysis on soil properties and plant tissues, to improve their specialist knowledge.
Heavy Metals
Soil Biological
Pesticide Residue
Grain Mineral