September 7, 2020
If you don’t think you have nutrient variability within your paddocks, think again.
Understanding the drivers of paddock variability is crucial in driving profitability. Soils are a key driver. Most crops grow from the ground up and all crops require nutrients to grow. Testing as a percentage of input spend is still relatively low compared to other input costs.
Using whatever method is appropriate for your farming system and farm location, APAL’s Farm2Lab platform can help you understand the drivers of variability of performance within your paddock.
Using Farm2Lab, you can …
Knowing what is driving the yield variability will help to make every hectare profitable. Farm2lab assists with using data to gain more knowledge to make better decisions.
It is not always about applying more fertiliser, it is about applying it more strategically to maximise profitability. You could be throwing away significant amounts of money every season by not understanding these drivers.
Transect sampling is the equivalent of buying 500 medium shirts for a conference delegation and handing them out to everyone.
Applying blanket rates every time in every paddock in every season without gaining more knowledge is like buying 500 medium shirts!
For more information on importing zones and getting the right test to suit your requirements, contact us at APAL.
Only test for what you need. APAL has close business relationships with providers of grid and zone sampling, yield processing and imagery providers.
Speak to one of our experts for a demonstration of Farm2Lab and to discuss your soil or plant testing needs.
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