November 10, 2020
Missed last week’s APAL webinar? Or did you attend but want a refresher? APAL’s November 2020 webinar is now on YouTube. Catch up on Sam Bald’s overview of the Farm2Lab app as well as insights from Dr Sean Mason on phosphorus buffering index and nitrogen. For more information contact Sam Bald at or Dr Sean Mason at
October 19, 2020
With spring very much upon us, now is an opportune time to be out taking pasture tissue samples and soil testing to help inform your pasture nutrition strategy. APAL can determine the current nutrient status of your pasture by testing plant tissue (usually leaves or petioles). Our plant analysis provides a clear indication of plant […]
September 7, 2020
If you don’t think you have nutrient variability within your paddocks, think again. Understanding the drivers of paddock variability is crucial in driving profitability. Soils are a key driver. Most crops grow from the ground up and all crops require nutrients to grow. Testing as a percentage of input spend is still relatively low compared […]
August 26, 2020
As spring approaches, so too does the need for soil testing ahead of bud burst. Missed sampling post-vintage? Haven’t sampled for a while? Soil testing will help you to better understand your starting position in regard to nutrients and what is required to help your crops reach their full potential. Why soil test? Soil testing […]
July 24, 2020
Get more bang for your buck and understand your soil nitrogen status to make better decision for your crop’s fertiliser requirements. To do this, utilise APAL’s rapid in-season nitrogen test turnaround today! Use APAL’s Farm2Lab app to increase the speed from your paddock to the lab and back so you can make fast, informed in-season nitrogen management […]